Sunday, September 28, 2008


Hi guys,
I am wondering if anyone else out there is doing any freelance work, and if so- how are you going about it? (getting paid, timetables, communication etc.) My girlfriend kind of finagled me into designing a business card for her boss, free of charge. I am also doing a postcard for her aunt who owns a store, for a free dinner someday. Basically all good opportunities, but no pay and added work on top of an already crazy schedule. Anyone else feeling it? Anyone getting paid?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

what's your favorite web resource

So I am posing this as incentive for people to post links to sites that they have found helpful for tutorials, jobs, design information, really anything that you have found that has helped you be a better designer. I want to eventually post all of the links on the Ad Club website and my own website as a constantly evolving resource list.

I have 1 site that I love because they do a website of the week (usually they are really inspirational sites for really good design) and they have all the basics for dimensions, folds, and they have free templates for some stuff like standard size folders.

Designers Tool Box

Dealing with Stress

Other than alcohol and energy drinks, anyone have any sure fire ways to cope with the overwhelming pressures of last semester work? Just needin a little pick me up as this college life ive known for so long winds to an end! thanxx

Monday, September 15, 2008

How are you preparing for this semester?

Comment on how you are preparing and going to manage your time this semester. Any advice that has helped with time management in the past you can share? What do you anticipate your biggest challenge to be and how will you handle that challenge?

Monday, September 8, 2008

Finding an Internship

What have been your experiences so far with finding an internship. If you found one, what helped you with your success. If you are still looking, what has been your biggest challenge? Can you provide any suggestions to the class?